Clariant Refinery Services' additives facilitate cold flow, prevent wax-settling, improve stability and make the heaviest products transportable through depressing pour points. Clariant's process additives demulsify, block corrosion and control fouling. Whether you are at a refinery, a terminal or a pipeline, our products and service teams optimize your middle distillates and crude transportation best. Wherever you are in the world.
Performance, People, Planet
Clariant Sustainability
Responsible corporate management plays a key role in helping us to run our company. Our ability to treat customers, employees, neighbors and the environment in a responsible manner is not only ethically correct, but also strengthens our partnerships with those stakeholders upon whom our success as a company ultimately depends.
We at Clariant Refinery Services believe that all accidents are avoidable and strive to cause no harm to people, the environment or the communities in which we operate. Senior management is committed to achieving the highest possible standards of health, safety and environmental protection throughout all functions within our organization.
Moleculist Blog
Let Clariant Refinery Services develop an optimized solution to your crude handling or fuel additive challenge to improve your operational performance. Contact us for more information about our full suite of Refinery Services.