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Public policy dialog

Political dialog is part of sustainable governance at Clariant

Nowadays, companies are playing an increasingly active role in society, including in the development of laws, rules and policy documents that support sustainable growth and innovation. Businesses are often consulted and asked to participate in such activities. Clariant believes that it is important to be part of such policy dialog and aims to contribute and give input where it can, in line with the company’s strategy and business objectives, in order to shape policy-development for a sustainable development.

As a responsible corporate actor, Clariant aims to ensure open, honest and transparent dialog and communication with politicians, authorities, business associations, as well as non-government organizations, in a number of relevant policy areas including:


  • sustainable chemistry
  • climate change
  • energy
  • bio-economy
  • circular economy
  • industrial, trade and innovation policies
Clariant aims to ensure open, honest and transparent dialog and communication with politicians, authorities, business associations, as well as non-government organizations.

Guidelines for lobbying and political communication

Clariant commits itself to ethical and sustainable operations and development in all business activities according to its Code of Ethics. The company engages in an open, trustful and constructive manner. Clariant has adopted and strictly abides by several guidelines to fulfill such commitments.

In accordance with our Code of Ethics we are also committed to complying in every respect with all applicable anti-bribery and anti-corruption laws. Clariant’s "Anti Bribery and Corruption Policy" establishes detailed rules for employees’ interactions with public officials, political advisors, as well as on charitable contributions and political donations. According to our policies, donations or contributions to political parties are forbidden. Accordingly, Clariant did not render donations to parties, politicians or related organizations in 2022.

Finally, Clariant also openly discloses information about its fields of interest and the scope of public affairs activities in the “Transparency Register of the European Union”.

Memberships in trade associations and other advocacy forums

The engagement of Clariant representatives in trade associations and other platforms supports strategic alignment across the industry and provides an opportunity for exchange on industry perspectives and best practices.

Clariant is a member of numerous trade associations both at international level (International Council of Chemical Associations – ICCA), EU level (CEFIC), and at national level (business federations such as Economie Suisse, national chemical industry associations such as ABIQUIM in Brazil, CPCIF in China, Verband der Chemischen Industrie (VCI) in Germany, the American Chemistry Council (ACC) in the USA, and Scienceindustries, the Swiss association for the chemical, pharmaceutical and biotech industries). Clariant is also active in the sectorial association both at regional level and local level.

Clariant is also proud to support scientific and research organizations such as SUSCHEM, the European Technology Platform for Sustainable Chemistry, a reflection of our strong commitment to developing the next generation of sustainability chemistry solutions.

Clariant’s 2022 contribution for its membership in trade and business associations

In 2022, Clariant’s overall policy membership costs amounted to CHF 3.27 million. Circa 80% of membership costs were spent on European-based trade associations. The top three contributions in 2022 consist of European memberships, Europe being the region where Clariant is headquartered and one of its major markets.

The memberships below represent more than 50% of the total membership costs spent:

  • Verband der Chemischen Industrie e. V. – VCI, the German national association of chemical producers
  • Scienceindustries, the Swiss business association for the chemical, pharmaceutical and biotech industries
  • Chamber of Commerce of Basel
Executive Leadership Team
Executive Leadership Team
Clariant at a glance
Integrated Report 2023

