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Clariant recognises that profits, sustainable growth and competitiveness are generated by successful risk taking and that risk should be managed and controlled appropriately. Risk Management is not designed to stop people from taking risks but rather to help them to optimise the level of risk taken and encourage entrepreneurial behaviour. Risk is inherent in all our activities and it is essential that best practice for Risk Management is embedded in our core business processes.

Risk is inherent in all our activities. To achieve Clariant’s strategic goals, risks need to be taken successfully and managed and controlled appropriately.

For particular sustainability risks, Clariant ensures that risk assessments are performed according to the Enterprise Risk Management framework, as it is outlined in the current Integrated Report.

To achieve Clariant’s strategic goals, risks need to be taken successfully and managed and controlled appropriately.

Risk Management Framework

Clariant has defined Risk Clusters which basically follow the organizational structure. The Risk Management process (identification, assessment, management, monitoring and reporting) is adapted individually to the different Risk Clusters

• Corporate
• Business Units - Short Term risks
• Business Units - Long Term risks
• Service Units
• Regions
• Large Projects

Workshops are held across the organisation and risks (both internal and external) that could potentially impact Clariant’s ability to meet its business objectives are identified and assessed. Appropriate treatment is taken. Material risks and respective proposed treatment including mitigation measures are reported to the next level and onward to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors.

Risk Inventory

Identified risks are entered into a risk inventory which is available to respective risk sponsors and action owners. The risk register is updated for emerging risks. Closed risks are deleted from the risk inventory.
Examples of the risk register are as follows.

1. Economic development

The shape of the global economy is of enormous importance for the success of Clariant. A slowdown of the global economy, major regions or specific end-user markets could have a significant effect on customer demand and thus the profitability of Clariant.

Mitigation actions

• Strategically spread business activities geographically and across market segments.
• Continue and even accelerate lean management and cost saving programs.

2. Public concern about human health and environment and tightening regulation and standards globally

Clariant is subject to many rules and regulations as well as compliance standards. These include chemical industry, country, government and customer requirements, as well as the European Union’s (EU) regulations on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). Clariant uses certain compounds, of which some are hazardous to the environment and health, in product development programs and manufacturing processes. The company may be exposed to risks of policy changes and market trends, unless these are properly anticipated and mitigating actions developed.

Mitigation actions

• High management attention. A clear and comprehensive management framework for Environment, Health and Safety as well as Product Stewardship.
• Proactive approach aiming to develop innovative processes and products to take the right steps to turn threats into opportunities. One example is the Clariant Portfolio Value Program, a sustainability program that drives continuous improvement of the product portfolio and allows to identify and strengthen opportunities for innovation and value chain collaboration.

3. Foreign exchange fluctuations

Clariant operates internationally and is exposed to foreign exchange risks arising from various currency exposures, primarily with respect to the euro and the US-dollar and to some extent the currencies of countries in emerging markets. Foreign exchange risks arise when transactions are denominated in a currency that is not the respective subsidiary’s functional currency.

Mitigation actions

• To manage the foreign exchange risk arising from commercial transactions and recognized assets and liabilities Clariant uses spot transactions, FX forward contracts, FX options and FX swaps according to the Group’s foreign exchange risk policy.
• Currency exposures arising from the net assets of the Group’s foreign operations are managed primarily through borrowings denominated in the relevant foreign currency.

Emerging risks

1. Economic development

The achievement of corporate targets depends on economic development, which is continuously monitored in all markets. Should a market not develop in line with expectations, the organization will be adjusted accordingly. The global trade uncertainty arising from current looming conflicts around trade and tariffs could adversely affect economic development.


2. Digital interconnection

Successful performance of the Clariant group depends on properly working information systems. Cyber attacks may result in the loss of data, knowledge, facilities, or money; and they may lead to interruptions in manufacturing and product deliveries. Such attacks might cause significant economic damages as well as loss of trust.

Corporate Sustainability
Product stewardship
Product stewardship
Integrated Report 2023

